A Caverna Encantada hd 720p
A Caverna Encantada
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:45:02
Title:A Caverna Encantada
Genre:: Soap, Family, Action & Adventure, Drama
First Air Date: 2024-07-29
Last Air Date: 2025-02-27
Number of Seasons: 4
Number of Episodes: 154
Runtime: min
Stars: Mel Summers (Anna Salvatore), Elam Lima (Paulo), Isabela Souza (Pilar), Miguel Coelho (Gabriel), Wallentina Bomfim (Manu), Juju Teófilo (Nina), Juju Penido (Lavínia), Sofia Fornazari (Flora), Mari Yumi (Jane), Manu Bistene (Isa), Diego Laumar (Moisés), Victor Lima (Binho), Guilherme Tavares (André), Bernardo Schroeder (Lucas), Lucca Almeida (Pedro), Bernardo Prado (Benjamin), Gabriel Avellar (Felipe "Pê de Peste"), Theo Radicchi (Rui), Clarice Niskier (Norma), Pamella Machado (Elisa), Theo Werneck (Tonico), Luiza Tomé (Dalete), Arthur Kohl (Jusça), Ariane Souza (Fátima), Rosi Campos (Shirley), Magali Biff (Wanda), Phil Miler (Goma Behr), Henrique Sganzerla (Thomas), Andrey Lopes (César), Thay Bergamim (Betina), Giulia Nassa (Cristina), Fernando Gomes (Moleza (voice)), André Ramiro (Mateus), Débora Duarte ()


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