Emmerdale Season 1 Episode 10 : 14 November 1972 hd 720p
Emmerdale Season 1 Episode 10 : 14 November 1972
45% Complete
00:00:00 / 00:22:26
Genre:: Soap, Drama
Air Date: 1972-11-14
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 10
Overview: Matt has his interview today. Ruth goes to see Jack and realizes that there is nothing between them. Joe has woken up and is in bad shape, While Wilkes has a compound fracture in his leg. Tom starts work at the farm and is not pulling his weight.
Stars: Shirley Stelfox (Edna Birch), , Richard Thorp (Alan Turner), , Kim Thomson (), , Ciarán Griffiths (), , Ray Ashcroft (), , Sophia Moore (Sarah Sugden), , Georgia Slowe (Perdita Hyde-Sinclair), , Daniel Pearson (Luke Salter), , Maxwell Caulfield (Mark Wylde), , Oscar Lloyd (Will Wylde), , Freddie Jones (Sandy Thomas), , Sian Reeves (Sally Spode), , Peter Martin (Len Reynolds), , Meg Johnson (Pearl Ladderbanks), , Matt Healy (Matthew King), , Linda Thorson (Rosemary King), , Luke Tittensor (Daz Eden), , Julia Mallam (Dawn Woods), , David Crellin (Billy Hopwood), , Andrew Whipp (Callum Rennie), , Peter Amory (Chris Tate), , Dale Meeks (Simon Meredith), , Diane Grayson (Janie Harker),


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